
Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Colonial Day

Colonial Day will be on Wednesday, December 17th, 2014! Please have your child wear something that reflects Colonial dress. All activities that day will revolve around the colonies!

Please let me know if you are interested in helping out with an activity that day. Also, we would love donations of feather quills and liquid ink. These should be available from craft stores.

It should be a very fun day!!!

Colonial Project

Students in Mrs. Gordon's Social Studies class has been asked to complete a project on the New England, Mid-Atlantic, and/or Southern colonies. Students were given a choice board to choose which project he or she would like to complete. Students will be given time in class to work on the project, but the project should be completed by Wednesday, December 17th. Your child will present to the class on that day as part of Colonial Day.

Mythology Project

In Reading, we have been working on a Mythology project. The students have been working on story maps, story summaries, character trait organizers, and a paragraph about a mythological allusion (today, a "Herculean" task means a difficult or seemingly impossible task. This was taken from the myth of Heracles/Hercules). Students will be creating a poster that combines these things in class. I ask that students try to dress up in a Greek style on the day of his or her presentation. You can make this as simple (bedsheet toga) or as complicated as you like. Please, don't feel that your family needs to purchase anything for this presentation. Try to use items from around the house.

Reading 1 will present on Monday, December 15th.
Reading 2 will present on Tuesday, December 16th.